Yes I admit it, I now join the roster of boasting proud parents but this is a BIG deal!
Today at 10.5 months old our little girl walked for the first time! She took 6 consecutive steps in a row by herself and then repeated the feat back and forth between Mummy and Daddy. It was very exciting and of course, Mummy shed a few tears. Our baby is growing up!
For a few days now, she's been standing for longer periods on her own and then she'd take one or two steps between a table and the couch and we weren't sure this counted as her first official steps yet. But today she let go of the table and off she went. She was so very proud of herself, big smile and she got lots of kisses, hugs and praise. Daddy filmed it with his cell phone, which isn't admittedly the best quality but at least we captured it. Bad bad Mummy and Daddy for having put off buying the new camera with video. Must do this tomorrow.
And now comes the fun part - it's already been interesting trying to keep up with her feats of climbing lately and her turbo crawl but now she'll really be mobile!
Lookout world, Ashiah Phoenix is on the move and we'll be behind her all the way!