It's interesting how we tend to stop recording milestones as we get older. Hmm, first time I saw a whale with my own eyes....geez, how old was I, 25/26? First time on a plane....hmm, I think I was also around 25. First time I put my feet in the Atlantic ocean...I think I was around 20? First time in the Pacific...26? First time off this continent, age 33. First time attending a birth, age 33. First time giving birth, age 34. First time writing a blog, 34.
Point is, every time my daughter crosses a new milestone she is so excited and proud of herself and so are we. I tend to try and keep track of every fascinating thing she does now so she, and we, can go back and remember it, but I've now realized that her whole life is going to be one new adventure and fascinating milestone after another and that I could write endlessly - because really, life should never stop being fascinating, nor should we become so jaded that we forget to mark our continued milestones and be proud of them.
First time learning to appreciate and record life's milestones: age 34.
The teacher of this life's lesson: my daughter, age 7 months.
To family members, here are a few of Ashiah's milestones:
First road trip: 1 mth (to Toronto for Daddy's Ultimate game)
First plane trip: 2 mths (to Washington - Daddy's work trip)
Grasps things in her hands: 3 mths
First dip in a pool: 4 mths (in Hawaii on family vacation)
First time trying solids: 4 mths
First time jumping in jolly jumper: 4 mths
Sitting up alone: 5 mths
First family winter holiday: 5 mths (Winnipeg in December)
First time standing up alone while holding something: 6 mths
First time being without Mommy and only with Daddy for more than 4 hours: 6 mths
Implementation of Mommy/Daddy Wednesday date night and being babysat: 6 mths
Transferring from Mommy & Daddy's bed to the bassinet: 6 mths
First temper tantrum: 6 mths
First big accident: 6 mths (split her bottom gum on coffee table)
First two teeth (bottom): 6 mths
First time seeing fish and sharks under water: 7 mths (San Francisco)
First time sitting in and touching snow: 7 mths
First time clapping: 7 mths
First time crawling: 7 mths (Ashiah's mastered the innovative "crab" crawl
First visit to the Children's hospital: 7 mths (fell off the bed on her head, thankfully mild injury)
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