It has ridiculously been three months since I last wrote. Terrible. Time is just flying by. Between renovations (which warrants a separate entry to itself), being laid off work but halfway re-hired and then looking for more work, to moving out to a temporary place only to find it has air quality issues so we went to stay at a friend's in Carleton Place for a few days, to day to day ongoing "stuff" to looking after a toddler - well, I can certainly say that life is ANYTHING but boring!
About Ashiah: Well she's simply wonderful. Being her mother, and father is just the best. She's so full of life and wonder and she amazes us every day.
First of all, she's become a parrot. She repeats everything we say and is very very chatty. (Surprise surprise with the parents she has...) She also nearly made us fall over the other day as she casually counted to 13 in the bathroom while we were getting ready. 13! I can't believe it. Seems like yesterday that we were very excited over the word Dada!
She also loves music, dances all the time and her current favorite artist is now Ray Lamontagne and her favorite song is Trouble. Daddy plays it for her on the guitar and they sing it loudly in the shower. It's very cute. So cute that we're taking her to his concert in Montreal next month so she can hear her favorite song live. :)
Ashiah also attended her first movie a couple months ago and made it half way through Madagascar II. Although she gets bored easily, she certainly loves her movies so we try to keep them to times when she's very restless. She currently loves Elmo and a roster of other animated flicks. She likes to sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and knows about half her ABC's now. Her cutest new word is "Okay" - "Ashiah do you want some yogurt?" Okay.
She's also become the ringleader at daycare. When she arrives the other children yell "Ashiah!" and run to the door to greet her. She's taken them on little adventures through the woods to the neighbor's house a couple of times much to the daycare provider's panic and due to her climbing antics, her caregiver apparently had to forge stairs in the snowbank because the other children wanted to follow her. (Bear in mind she's 3 mths younger than her two little friends). Of course she climbed before she walked and this fancy hasn't yet subsided. We find her on top of most everything all the time. This said, we've just enrolled her in an interactive program for toddlers her age in Ottawa to give her a bit of a challenge since she quickly becomes bored and seems to thrive on variety.
Her closest friends (that is those she asks for by name) are two at daycare, Lilou and Iza, her cousin Malik, Abby (my friend's 2.5 yr old daughter) and Rowie (my other friend's 8 yr old daughter). She also remembers her cousin Coco and names him when she see's his pictures (he lives in Vancouver).
She's also completely mesmerized by the geese, chickens and ducks that live in the back of the house we're staying at and goes over everyday to terrorize them. She has no fear and seems to love all animals, especially her "Kitty".
All that to say that she's definitely very active, social and fun and she's the light of our lives. Despite ongoing fatigue and a struggle to balance it all, a child certainly brings a joy to life like no other I've ever known... or ever will I'm certain.
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