A little history of how we got from being under the Eiffel Tower to having this little munchkin pictured here February 14, 2007 in Sonoma, California.
We were both in startup companies, I was a Director of Sales & Mrktg. for a new local tech newspaper called SCAN (www.nationalcapitalscan.ca) and Greg was, and is the Director of the North American counterpart of a UK-based NGO called BioRegional and heads up "One Planet Communities"in North America. (http://www.bioregional.com/oneplanetcommunities/na)
I was in musical theater when we met on an online dating site (I wasn't interested in a relationship at the time but had a basic profile up to help a friend who was having a hard time joining the site... long story ...) back in Feb'06 and I was deep in rehearsals for West Side Story. Greg was leaving in a week to work in the UK for 3 months so he was very persistent in seeing me often that first week despite my reluctance. He kept me interested with his persistence, amazing life stories and charm and impressed me with a gifted singing voice. We kept in touch frequently during his time away and he invited me to visit him there for a week in April 'o6 which I did. While there he took me to Paris and we began to fall in love (how very cliche I know). When he returned in May, we spent much of the summer traveling and kayaking in Vancouver with the Orcas, camping, kayaking and whale watching in NB and in Tadoussac. (I'm an avid whale lover, Greg an avid kayaker). He introduced me to Ultimate frisbee (his team won the Nationals that year) and I intro'd him to theater. Things were moving along swimmingly.
In September we had THE talk about moving in together and by October we decided to wait awhile yet since there was no rush, all was grand, and I found a dream 1800 sq ft apartment in an old Victorian heritage house and he was happy in his log cabin nestled in the woods. The day after I signed my new lease I realized that Aunt Rose hadn't visited in awhile not to mention I seemed to be suffering from a perpetual leaky faucet. So I took a pregnancy test in my new empty apartment and you can guess the result. 3 tests later I was convinced...
The next few months are a bit of blur. That same week both Greg and I became an Aunt and an Uncle with 2 nephews being born, we found out we were pregnant and my grandmother died. It was crazy. Greg was extremely supportive and I moved in with him a month later to what is now "our" cabin in the woods in Chelsea by the river. It was baptism by fire - living together, moving to the woods, leaving my most beloved pets with a friend (Greg's allergic), giving up our once extremely busy schedule to accommodate nausea, fatigue and household reorganization and dealing with a new grumpy, lethargic and emotionally volatile me. Smashing good fun.
But here we are now, our daughter Ashiah is 7 months old and we are both happier and feel more fulfilled and more proud of this accomplishment in our lives than anything else.
I've now learned that sometimes the path you think you should be on will unexpectedly lead you to one you hadn't considered but was ultimately the right one all along. Who new?
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