...it seems only fitting to begin with an explanation as to who or what Iggle Piggle is. Unless you're a BBC-watching parent or unless you're a frequent flyer like Greg is (aka "the daddy" to our 7 mth old) and you've caught the show on the children's menu on the plane (those new planes with your own personalized TV screen where you can choose from a ridiculously vast menu of options, so vast, that by the time you choose what you want to watch you likely won't have time to finish watching it...but I digress) basically you'd have no clue as to what an "Iggle Piggle" was.
Iggle Piggle happens to be the main character of a children's show called "In the Night Garden" and our 7 month old daughter Ashiah Phoenix (aka Princess Ashiah Phoenix Bird) has been hooked on it since she's 4 months old. How in the world can a 4 month old who's just learned to sit up on her own and who's vocabulary is limited to "mmm" have a favorite show? I don't know. But she does and in our world that's been simply smashing! A whole half hour a day where she's mesmerized by a blue plush Gumby-like character and his sidekicks Upsy Daisy, Makka Pakka, the Tombliboos, the Pontipines, the Wotingers and the Hahoos... I think. I'm actually rather impressed with myself that I remember them all when I used to secretly snicker, or maybe even feel sorry for other parents who did. But no no, no need for pity, Iggle Piggle rocks because he makes my daughter happy and anything that makes her happy (as any parent would agree) rocks!
We've even bought her the plush toy, ordered it from the UK and then they said they were out and I was crushed - no really I was - but then I found it on e-bay (my first purchase and foray onto e-bay btw) for a reasonable $60. Ouch. Never in my right mind might I ever have considered buying blue plush stuffed material for so much before but then again, I'm no longer in my right mind - I'm a parent. And life now happily includes Iggle Piggle...
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